My life work has primarily been in health healing, palliative and psychotherapeutic care. I have lived in many places, and wherever I found myself in the world, I continued my “play” with colour and space. I sketched, doodled, drew, and painted in pen and acrylics whenever I had time.
Working in close proximity to those who are dying profoundly influenced my art. Life and death are intimately linked. This allowed me to see how the psyche often prepares the way, using the mediums of symbols, colours, light, nature, and space.
It took years before I began to take my own creative output seriously. Reviewing my output of many years I realise how these works reflect my psychological, intellectual, and spiritual growth. These works are a symbolic interface between my psyche and the natural world: images of a growing relationship between soul and nature.
When I paint, I am asking myself - does the soul of the landscape permeate me or does my psyche permeate the landscape? The creative act connects me to my hinterland and yet also to the world of people and nature. And so it is that each creative work turns out to be revelatory to me.
Two years ago, I moved to Cambridge, and I joined the Newnham art group, meeting artists and opening up to support after a lifetime of painting in isolation.
I have painted in many mediums, but switching to oils evoked a visceral response and I find I am painting with an intensity which roots /connects me to the physical substance of our planet.